Saturday, February 2, 2008


My adaptation of a Soren Kierkegaard story via Tony Campolo's book "You Can Make a Difference."

(c) 1985 - Tom A.B. Taylor

I read about a land of ducks who waddled their lives away
They'd duck-walk to their daily jobs'n'duck-walk while at play
They'd waddle to th' duckstore & to th' Duck movie way down town
When th' traffic was bad, there'd be "Quack-Ups"...
As the ducks waddled all around

Come Sunday mornin' ev'ry week, they'd fill th' church's pews
An' th' fiery new duck preacher'd try'n pound home th Good News!
"Listen, Flock, you've got wings! Y'don't have to walk around....
Y'can soar like an eagle soars - thru clouds and Heaven-bound

"Hear me, Ducks - Listen up: YOU were MADE to FLY!!
While the choir sings, jus lift yer wings - who'll be first to try!?
Ducks are made to SOAR!" - and the ducks all cried, "Amen!"
Then the preacher duck just dropped his head . . .
As his flock . . . waddled out . . .again . . . .

(c) 1985 - Tom A.B. Taylor

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